Cobizco Pure Green Tea

Save ₦200

₦1,600 ₦1,800


Cobizco Pure Green Tea You will surely enjoy this soothing blend. fresh leaves are picked to lock in the pleasant green flavor. Handpicked design from select gardens, our Pure Green Tea is a refreshing drink. 

Pure green tea has less than one calorie and is a good source of hydration. Green teas are generally lower in caffeine than black teas. The Chinese believe that Green Teas can aid digestion

Boil some water and let it cool down a bit. Then pour the water in a cup and add a teabag. Let it brew for a max 2 minutes or you may lose the delicate taste. Take a sip and let it revitalize you.

  • 50g 
  • 12 Units
  • Natural and distinctive flavour
  • Aids digestion
  • Good source of hydration

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